Monday 3 November 2008

Irish banks, including AIB, Bank of Ireland, Anglo Irish and Irish Life & Permanent, were this weekend worth a combined €8.3bn. In the next two weeks, AIB, Irish Life and Bank of Ireland are due to publish updates or earnings statements.
Other London analysts said it was "baffling" that Ireland had still not set up a bail-out scheme of its own. "The Barclays fundraising makes Ireland stand out even more," an analyst said. Senior economists at the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) believe it likely the Irish government will have to follow the rest of Europe and put money directly into the Irish banks. Some London analysts, who did not wish to be named, said that AIB, after meeting accounting good will costs, would at best raise only €1bn if it were to sell its 24% stake in M&T.
Analysts also believe that Anglo Irish will fight to avoid tapping any future Irish taxpayer refunding scheme because Anglo management owns 10% of the bank.



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